Monthly Archives: January 2017

Reality Fields

Reality Fields, 18"x12" Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18″x12″ Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18"x12" Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18″x12″ Jacob Rowan

These minimal drawings made with white ink on black paper were inspired by Andrea Zittel’s Dynamic Essay About the Panel. In this short video she describes various conventions and notions connected to the plane and panel. She also outlines the differences between horizontal and vertical planes. A horizontal field is an energetic accumulator–it receives action. A vertical field is an ideological resonator–it communicates ideas. I wanted explore these functions by depicting traditionally horizontal planes in a vertical panel.

Reality Fields, 18"x12" Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18″x12″ Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18"x12" Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18″x12″ Jacob Rowan

Limitations are what makes things relevant and useful. A plane or panel can constitute an individual field of reality which uses limitations to inspire creativity. I define creativity as the imposition of some kind of order within a system. A person most successfully plays a game when they restructure the limitations within the system more effectively than their opponent.

Reality Fields, 18"x12" Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18″x12″ Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18"x12" Jacob Rowan

Reality Fields, 18″x12″ Jacob Rowan

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Filed under Art, Drawing, Jacob Rowan Studios